
About Us

Taipei United is originally started by Melanie and Carrie. A Taiwanese and a Dutch girl. They loved to play soccer, but had no where to go to play. It was always with boys, boys had to invite them. So they started there own team. In the beginning it was hard. Finding girls that want to do some extra exercise and learn about soccer. So we had a rough time, but we are finally here. We made it!!!!!!
[台北聯女子足球隊]是由一位荷蘭女孩Melanie(美樂妮)和台灣女孩Carrie(小琪)一起成立. 我們熱愛足球,但沒有女子球隊可以加入.只能和男孩子一起練習.所以我們決定要成立一個女子足球隊.剛開始不太順利,女孩子們總是用怕曬黑,擔心腿變粗, 不喜歡流汗的理由來回絕我們的邀請.很少有女孩子想要做點特別的運動或是想要學學怎麼踢足球.雖然一開始有點艱困,但最終我們做到了!

What We Do?

We teach young girls to play soccer, to understand soccer and especially to have fun.

Our goal is very easy, we are trying to setup a girls team which is not depending on incomes from sponsors, we want it to be recreational. We want girls to play just because they like soccer, not because they have to win. Ofcourse when we play a match we give our best, but winning is not the most important. We want girls to see how much fun soccer can be and is.

Why girls soccer???

  • 足球,就如同其他的運動,需要在場上不斷地跑動.長期踢球可以使你擁有強健的體魄唷!soccer, similar to other sports, requires players to move constantly without standing or waiting. This makes you move all the time and will result in great body strenght in long term
  • 在足球的世界裡,體型不是那麼重要.重要的是技術和團隊配合.我相信大家一定會愛上這個運動.in soccer size doesn't matter. It is a game all about skills ans you will definatly enjoy the game.
  • 雖然踢球有時會與其他球員有身體上的碰撞,但和其他運動相較之下,踢足球反而沒有那麼容易受傷.even though bodycontact is involved in the game, there is a very low chance of injury comparing with many other sports.
  • 你不需要花大錢才能和朋友一起踢球,要踢球很簡單,你可以在公園的綠地,住家的後院甚至是街道上任何的地方踢球,然後找個物品來當做球門.It is cheap. You do not need millions to just play a small game with your friends. You do not need millions to get started. That makes it so much easier. And you can play it anywhere, on a grassfield in the park, in your backyard, on the street. Goals are easily made using to objects.

more information

Join us !!

加入我們吧!和我們一起同樂吧! come on and join us, have fun with us!!!

Here is a small map to show you where abouts it is:

If you need to be picked up from the MRT station (Jintian) just let one off us know and we will arrange to pick you up.

We are very excited to welcome you to our practice!!! Do not be shy......
Send an email to or call one of us.

Melanie (09-882-486-39) or Carrie (0937-789-703)

What is important to bring to practice?

The field is very basic, we have no locker rooms, you can still get changed just off the pitch. But it is in the open, so see for youself what you prefer. Do not bring too much value things, as it happens that sometimes people walk by and take stuff. (Guess it happens everywhere!)

Soccershoes are not a must, but especially when it has been raining normal running shoes are a bit dangerous, as the field gets very slippery. You can also wear hockey shoes, the ones with many small knobs underneath.


To see where we play & Join us !